define(['websocket','crypto-js/aes', 'crypto-js/sha1', 'crypto-js/enc-utf8'],function (websocket, aes, sha1, utf8) { var exports = {}, reDigits = /^\d+$/; // Namespace websocket = websocket; // Namespace SHA1 exports.SHA1 = function (string) { return sha1(string).toString(); }; // Namespace encode exports.AES = { decrypt: function (string, fgh) { return aes.decrypt(string, fgh).toString(utf8); }, encrypt: function (string, fgh) { return aes.encrypt(string, fgh).toString(); } }; exports.ssplit = function (string, seperator) { var components = string.split(seperator); return [components.shift(), components.join(seperator)]; }; exports.activeElement = function () { try { return document.activeElement; } catch (e) { return; } }; /** * Removes all characters but 0 - 9 from given string. * * @method digits * @param {String} str The string to sanitize * @return {String} The sanitized string * @example * $.digits('foo8bar'); // `8` * $.digits('->#5*duckM4N!!!111'); // `54111` */ exports.isDigits = function(value) { return reDigits.test(value); }; /** * A very simple templating function. * @param {} str [description] * @param {[type]} map [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ exports.template = function (str, map) { return str && str.replace(/{(\w+)}/gi, function(outer, inner) { return, inner) ? map[inner] : outer /* '' */; }); }; exports.getJSON = function (path, onSuccess, onError) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', path, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { try { onSuccess && onSuccess(JSON.parse(this.responseText)); } catch (e) { onError && onError(); } } else { onError && onError(); } } }; request.send(); request = null; }; // Part of this is originating from mustasche.js // Code: // License: exports.escapeHtml = (function () { var pattern = /[&<>"'/]/g, entities = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', '\'': ''', '/': '/' }; return function (string) { return String(string).replace(pattern, function (s) { return entities[s]; }); }; }()); return exports; });