// This Javascript file is the only file besides fandango.js that will be fetched through DOM. // Setup fandango fandango.defaults({ baseUrl: 'js/cryptalk_modules/', paths: { websocket: '/socket.io/socket.io.js', aes: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/3.1.2/rollups/aes.js', SHA1: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/3.1.2/rollups/sha1.js' }, // CryptoJs AES does not support AMD modules. We'll have to create a shim. shim: { aes: { exports: function () { // String (the global variable name) or a function; returning the desired variable. return CryptoJS.AES; } }, SHA1: { exports: function () { return CryptoJS.SHA1; } } } }); // Require main cryptalk module. require(['cryptalk'], function () {}, function (e) { document.getElementById('chat').innerHTML = '
  • Fatal: An error was thrown during initialization causing the application to stop.
    Examine the logs for more details.
  • '; if (console.log) { console.log(e); } throw e; });