/* Accepts: mediator.on('console:clear', clear); mediator.on('console:motd', motd); mediator.on('console:info', info); mediator.on('console:error', error); mediator.on('console:server', server); mediator.on('console:message', message); mediator.on('console:lockinput', lockInput); mediator.on('console:unlockinput', unlockInput); mediator.on('console:param', param); Emits: mediator.emit('notification:send',...); mediator.emit('audio:play',...); ToDo */ define( { compiles: ['$'], requires: ['castrato','fandango','settings','templates','sounds','room','notifications','audio'] }, function ($, requires, data) { var // Require shortcuts fandango = requires.fandango, mediator = requires.castrato, settings = requires.settings, templates = requires.templates, sounds = requires.sounds, // Collection of DOM components components = { chat: $('#chat'), input: $('#input'), inputWrapper: $('#input_wrapper') }, // Collection of parameters parameters = {}, // Adds a new message to the DOM post = function (type, text, nick) { var tpl = templates.post[type], post, data = fandango.merge({}, settings, { nick: nick }); data.text = $.template(text, data); post = $.template(tpl, data); // Request a notification showNotification(type, nick, text); // Append the post to the chat DOM element components.chat['append'](post); }, param = function (p) { parameters = fandango.merge({}, parameters, p ); }, showNotification = function (type, nick, text) { var title = (type!='message') ? 'Cryptalk' : nick, icon = (type == 'message') ? 'gfx/icon_128x128.png' : (type == 'error') ? 'gfx/icon_128x128_error.png' : 'gfx/icon_128x128_info.png'; // Emit notification mediator.emit('notification:send', { title: title.substring(0, 20), body: text.substring(0, 80), icon: icon }); // Emit sound if ( type == 'message' ) mediator.emit('audio:play',sounds.message); }, motd = function (payload, done) { post('motd', payload); }, info = function (payload, done) { post('info', payload); }, error = function (payload, done) { post('error', payload); }, message = function (payload, done) { post('message', payload.message , payload.nick ); }, server = function (payload, done) { post('server', payload); }, clearInput = function () { fandango.subordinate(function () { components.input[0].value = ''; }); }, clear = function () { fandango.subordinate(function () { components.chat[0].innerHTML='' }); }, lockInput = function () { components.input[0].setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); components.inputWrapper[0].className = 'loading'; }, unlockInput = function () { components.input[0].removeAttribute('disabled'); components.inputWrapper[0].className = ''; components.input.focus(); }, // Handler for the document`s keyDown-event. onKeyDown = function (e) { var buffer, parts, payload, command, save; // The Document object is bound to this element. // If the active element is not the input, focus on it and exit the function. // Ignore this when ctrl and/or alt is pressed! if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && components.input[0] !== $.activeElement()) { return components.input.focus(); } // Return immediatly if the buffer is empty or if the hit key was not if (e.keyCode !== 13 || !(buffer = components.input[0].value)) { return; } // Handle command if ((buffer[0] || buffer.slice(0, 1)) === '/') { parts = $.ssplit(buffer.slice(1), ' '); command = parts[0]; payload = parts[1]; // Shout this command to all modules mediator.emit( 'command:'+command, payload, function(retvals,recipients) { if(recipients == 0) { return post('error', $.template(templates.messages.unrecognized_command, { commandName: command })); } else { clearInput(); } } ); } else /* Handle ordinary message */ { if(!parameters.room || !parameters.key ) { // Make sure that the user has joined a room and the key is set return (!parameters.room) ? post('error', templates.messages.msg_no_room) : post('error', templates.messages.msg_no_key); } // Before sending the message. // Encrypt message using room UUID as salt and key as pepper. mediator.emit( 'socket:emit', { data: 'message:send', payload: { room: $.SHA1(parameters.room), msg: $.AES.encrypt(buffer, $.SHA1(parameters.room) + parameters.key).toString(), nick: parameters.nick ? $.AES.encrypt(parameters.nick, $.SHA1(parameters.room) + parameters.key).toString() : false } } ); // And clear the the buffer clearInput(); } }; // Bind the necessary DOM events $(document).on('keydown', onKeyDown);; // Put focus on the message input components.input.focus(); // Connect events mediator.on('console:clear', clear); mediator.on('console:motd', motd); mediator.on('console:info', info); mediator.on('console:error', error); mediator.on('console:server', server); mediator.on('console:message', message); mediator.on('console:lockinput', lockInput); mediator.on('console:unlockinput', unlockInput); mediator.on('console:param', param); });