define('$', ['fandango', 'websocket', 'aes'], function (fandango, websocket, aes) { var exports = { selector: 0, utilities: {}, prototype: {} }, // Shortcuts utils = exports.utilities, proto = exports.prototype, each = fandango.each; // The DOM selector engine exports.selector = function (selector) { var match, matches = []; if (selector === document) { matches.push(document); } else { selector = selector.slice(1); if (match = document.getElementById(selector)) { matches.push(match); } } // Must ALWAYS return a native array: [] return matches; }; // Namespace AES utils.AES = { decrypt: aes.decrypt, encrypt: aes.encrypt }; // Namespace encode utils.AES = { decrypt: function (string, fgh) { return aes.decrypt(string, fgh).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); }, encrypt: function (string, fgh) { return aes.encrypt(string, fgh).toString(); }, }; // Namespace websocket utils.Websocket = { connect: websocket.connect, on: websocket.on }; utils.ssplit = function (string, seperator) { var components = string.split(seperator); return [components.shift(), components.join(seperator)]; }; utils.activeElement = function () { try { return document.activeElement; } catch (e) {} } /** * A very simple implementation of sprintf() * @param {} str [description] * @param {[type]} map [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ utils.template = function (str, map) { return str && str.replace(/{(\w+)}/gi, function(outer, inner) { return map.hasOwnProperty(inner) ? map[inner] : outer /* '' */; }); }; // Part of this is originating from mustasche.js // Code: // License: utils.escapeHtml = (function () { var pattern = /[&<>"'\/]/g, entities = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''', '/': '/' }; return function (string) { return String(string).replace(pattern, function (s) { return entities[s]; }); }; }()); // Extremely naive implementations of .html() and .append() proto.html = function (string) { each(this, function (element) { element.innerHTML = string; }); return this; }; proto.append = function (string) { each(this, function (element) { element.innerHTML += string; }); return this; }; // Extremely naive implementations of .on() proto.on = function (eventName, callback) { each(this, function (element) { element.addEventListener(eventName, callback); }); return this; }; proto.focus = function () { this[0].focus(); return this; }; return exports; })