
246 lines
8.3 KiB
Executable File

import re
import glob
import json
import logging
import datetime
from os import sep
import configparser
from sys import argv
from time import mktime
from os.path import exists
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
class Clients:
def __init__(self, ident_map={}):
self.clients_by_id = {}
self.clients_by_uid = {}
self.ident_map = ident_map
def is_id(self, id_or_uid):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def __add__(self, id_or_uid):
if id_or_uid in self.ident_map:
id_or_uid = self.ident_map[id_or_uid]
if self.is_id(id_or_uid):
if id_or_uid not in self.clients_by_id:
self.clients_by_id[id_or_uid] = Client(id_or_uid)
if id_or_uid not in self.clients_by_uid:
self.clients_by_uid[id_or_uid] = Client(id_or_uid)
return self
def __getitem__(self, id_or_uid):
if self.is_id(id_or_uid):
if id_or_uid not in self.clients_by_id:
self += id_or_uid
return self.clients_by_id[id_or_uid]
if id_or_uid not in self.clients_by_uid:
self += id_or_uid
return self.clients_by_uid[id_or_uid]
class Client:
def __init__(self, identifier):
# public
self.identifier = identifier
self.nick = None
self.connected = 0
self.onlinetime = 0
self.kicks = 0
self.pkicks = 0
self.bans = 0
self.pbans = 0
# private
self._last_connect = 0
def connect(self, timestamp):
client connects at "timestamp"
logging.debug('CONNECT {}'.format(str(self)))
self.connected += 1
self._last_connect = timestamp
def disconnect(self, timestamp):
client disconnects at "timestamp"
logging.debug('DISCONNECT {}'.format(str(self)))
if not self.connected:
logging.debug('^ disconnect before connect')
raise Exception('disconnect before connect!')
self.connected -= 1
session_time = timestamp - self._last_connect
self.onlinetime += session_time
def kick(self, target):
client kicks "target" (Client-obj)
logging.debug('KICK {} -> {}'.format(str(self), str(target)))
target.pkicks += 1
self.kicks += 1
def ban(self, target):
client bans "target" (Client-obj)
logging.debug('BAN {} -> {}'.format(str(self), str(target)))
target.pbans += 1
self.bans += 1
def __str__(self):
return '<{},{}>'.format(self.identifier, self.nick)
def __format__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __getitem__(self, item):
return {
'identifier': self.identifier,
'nick': self.nick,
'connected': self.connected,
'onlinetime': self.onlinetime,
'kicks': self.kicks,
'pkicks': self.pkicks,
'bans': self.bans,
'pbans': self.pbans,
re_dis_connect = re.compile(r"'(.*)'\(id:(\d*)\)")
re_disconnect_invoker = re.compile(r"invokername=(.*)\ invokeruid=(.*)\ reasonmsg")
path_split = __file__.split(sep)[:-1]
abspath = sep.join(path_split)
if len(path_split) > 0:
abspath += sep
def _get_sorted(stor, key):
clients = stor.values()
return sorted([(client, client[key]) for client in clients if client[key] > 0], key=lambda data: data[1], reverse=True)
def _format_seconds(seconds):
minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
hours = str(hours) + 'h ' if hours > 0 else ''
minutes = str(minutes) + 'm ' if minutes > 0 else ''
seconds = str(seconds) + 's' if seconds > 0 else ''
return hours + minutes + seconds
def parse_logs(log_path, ident_map={}, file_log=False):
clients = Clients(ident_map)
# setup logging
log = logging.getLogger()
if file_log:
# file logger
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('debug.txt', 'w', 'UTF-8')
# stream logger (unused)
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
# find all log-files and collect lines
log_files = [file_name for file_name in glob.glob(log_path) if exists(file_name)]
log_lines = []
for log_file in log_files:
for line in open(log_file, 'r'):
# process lines
for line in log_lines:
parts = line.split('|')
logdatetime = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(parts[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').timestamp())
data = '|'.join(parts[4:]).strip()
if data.startswith('client'):
nick, clid = re_dis_connect.findall(data)[0]
if data.startswith('client connected'):
client = clients[clid]
client.nick = nick
elif data.startswith('client disconnected'):
client = clients[clid]
client.nick = nick
if 'invokeruid' in data:
re_disconnect_data = re_disconnect_invoker.findall(data)
invokernick, invokeruid = re_disconnect_data[0]
invoker = clients[invokeruid]
invoker.nick = invokernick
if 'bantime' in data:
return clients
def render_template(clients, output, template_name='template.html', title='TeamspeakStats', debug=False):
# prepare clients
clients_onlinetime_ = _get_sorted(clients.clients_by_id, 'onlinetime')
clients_onlinetime = [(client, _format_seconds(onlinetime)) for client, onlinetime in clients_onlinetime_]
clients_kicks = _get_sorted(clients.clients_by_uid, 'kicks')
clients_pkicks = _get_sorted(clients.clients_by_id, 'pkicks')
clients_bans = _get_sorted(clients.clients_by_uid, 'bans')
clients_pbans = _get_sorted(clients.clients_by_id, 'pbans')
objs = [('Onlinetime', clients_onlinetime), ('Kicks', clients_kicks),
('passive Kicks', clients_pkicks),
('Bans', clients_bans), ('passive Bans', clients_pbans)] # (headline, list)
# render
template = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(abspath)).get_template(template_name)
with open(output, 'w') as f:
f.write(template.render(title=title, objs=objs, debug=debug))
def parse_config(config_path):
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
if 'General' not in config or not \
('logfile' in config['General'] or 'outputfile' in config['General']):
raise Exception('Invalid config!')
general = config['General']
log_path = general['logfile'] if general['logfile'].startswith(sep) else abspath + general['logfile']
output_path = general['outputfile'] if general['outputfile'].startswith(sep) else abspath + general['outputfile']
debug = general.get('debug', 'false') in ['true', 'True']
debug_file = True if general.get('debugfile', 'false') in ['true', 'True'] and debug else False
return log_path, output_path, debug, debug_file
def main():
# check cmdline-args
config_path = abspath + (argv[1] if len(argv) >= 2 else 'config.ini')
id_map_path = abspath + (argv[2] if len(argv) >= 3 else 'id_map.json')
if not exists(config_path):
raise Exception('Couldn\'t find config-file at {}'.format(config_path))
if exists(id_map_path):
# read id_map
id_map = json.load(open(id_map_path))
id_map = {}
log_path, output_path, debug, debug_file = parse_config(config_path)
render_template(parse_logs(log_path, ident_map=id_map), output=output_path, debug=debug)
if __name__ == '__main__':