mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:24:33 -04:00
Because the tool is using utc-timestamps everywhere, this emphasizes this fact (by default) in the output. If you don't want timezones behind each datetime in your output, just remove the "%Z" from the `datetimeformat`. Fix #9
181 lines
6.5 KiB
181 lines
6.5 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import re
from codecs import open
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime
from glob import glob
from os.path import basename
from tsstats.utils import tz_aware_datime
from tsstats.client import Client, Clients
re_log_filename = re.compile(r'ts3server_(?P<date>\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d)'
re_log_entry = re.compile('(?P<timestamp>\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d\ \d\d:\d\d:\d\d.\d+)'
'\|\ *(?P<level>\w+)\ *\|\ *(?P<component>\w+)\ *'
'\|\ *(?P<sid>\d+)\ *\|\ *(?P<message>.*)')
re_dis_connect = re.compile(
r"client (?P<action>(dis)?connected) '(?P<nick>.*)'\(id:(?P<clid>\d+)\)")
re_disconnect_invoker = re.compile(
r'invokername=(.*)\ invokeruid=(.*)\ reasonmsg'
log_timestamp_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'
TimedLog = namedtuple('TimedLog', ['path', 'timestamp'])
Server = namedtuple('Server', ['sid', 'clients'])
logger = logging.getLogger('tsstats')
def parse_logs(log_glob, ident_map=None, online_dc=True, *args, **kwargs):
parse logs from `log_glob`
:param log_glob: path to server-logs (supports globbing)
:param ident_map: identmap used for Client-initializations
:type log_glob: str
:type ident_map: dict
:return: clients bundled by virtual-server
:rtype: tsstats.log.Server
server = []
for virtualserver_id, logs in\
clients = Clients(ident_map)
# keep last log out of the iteration for now
for log in logs[:-1]:
# don't reconnect connected clients for all logs except last one
# because that would lead to insane onlinetimes
_parse_details(log.path, clients=clients, online_dc=False,
*args, **kwargs)
# now parse details of last log with correct online_dc set
_parse_details(logs[-1].path, clients=clients, online_dc=online_dc,
*args, **kwargs)
if len(clients) >= 1:
server.append(Server(virtualserver_id, clients))
return server
def _bundle_logs(logs):
bundle `logs` by virtualserver-id
and sort by timestamp from filename (if exists)
:param logs: list of paths to logfiles
:type logs: list
:return: `logs` bundled by virtualserver-id and sorted by timestamp
:rtype: dict{str: [TimedLog]}
vserver_logfiles = {} # sid: [/path/to/log1, ..., /path/to/logn]
for log in logs:
# try to get date and sid from filename
match = re_log_filename.match(basename(log))
if match:
match = match.groupdict()
timestamp = datetime.strptime('{0} {1}'.format(
match['date'], match['time'].replace('_', ':')),
tl = TimedLog(log, timestamp)
sid = match['sid']
if sid in vserver_logfiles:
# if already exists, keep list sorted by timestamp
vserver_logfiles[sid] =\
key=lambda tl: tl.timestamp)
# if not exists, just create a list
vserver_logfiles[match['sid']] = [tl]
# fallback to plain sorting
vserver_logfiles.setdefault('', [])\
.append(TimedLog(log, None))
vserver_logfiles[''] =\
key=lambda tl: tl.path)
return vserver_logfiles
def _parse_details(log_path, ident_map=None, clients=None, online_dc=True):
extract details from log-files
detailed parsing is done here: onlinetime, kicks, pkicks, bans, pbans
:param log_path: path to log-file
:param ident_map: :doc:`identmap`
:param clients: clients-object to add parsing-results to
:param online_cd: disconnect online clients after parsing
:type log_path: str
:type ident_map: dict
:type clients: tsstats.client.Clients
:type online_cd: bool
:return: parsed clients
:rtype: tsstats.client.Clients
if clients is None:
clients = Clients(ident_map)
log_file = open(log_path, encoding='utf-8')
# process lines
logger.debug('Started parsing of %s', log_file.name)
for line in log_file:
match = re_log_entry.match(line)
if not match:
logger.debug('No match: "%s"', line)
match = match.groupdict()
logdatetime = tz_aware_datime(datetime.strptime(match['timestamp'],
message = match['message']
if message.startswith('client'):
match = re_dis_connect.match(message)
if not match:
logger.debug('Not supported client action: "%s"', message)
nick, clid = match.group('nick'), match.group('clid')
client = clients.setdefault(clid, Client(clid, nick))
# set current nick
client.nick = nick
# add nick to history
action = match.group('action')
if action == 'connected':
elif action == 'disconnected':
if 'invokeruid' in message:
re_disconnect_data = re_disconnect_invoker.findall(
invokernick, invokeruid = re_disconnect_data[0]
invoker = clients.setdefault(invokeruid,
invoker.nick = invokernick
if 'bantime' in message:
elif message == 'stopped':
# make sure all clients are disconnected at server stop
for client in clients
if client.connected
if online_dc:
def _reconnect(client):
client.connected += 1
[_reconnect(client) for client in clients if client.connected]
logger.debug('Finished parsing of %s', log_file.name)
return clients