move log-parse and template-render into own functions

This commit is contained in:
Thor77 2015-07-13 20:35:01 +02:00
parent acd8c27f1c
commit bd9be87867
1 changed files with 113 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -115,124 +115,130 @@ class Client:
'pbans': self.pbans,
# check cmdline-args
abspath = sep.join(__file__.split(sep)[:-1]) + sep
config_path = argv[1] if len(argv) >= 2 else 'config.ini'
config_path = abspath + config_path
id_map_path = argv[2] if len(argv) >= 3 else 'id_map.json'
id_map_path = abspath + id_map_path
if not exists(config_path):
raise Exception('Couldn\'t find config-file at {}'.format(config_path))
if exists(id_map_path):
# read id_map
id_map = json.load(open(id_map_path))
id_map = {}
# parse config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# check keys
if 'General' not in config:
raise Exception('Invalid config! Section "General" missing!')
general = config['General']
html = config['HTML'] if 'HTML' in config.sections() else {}
if not ('logfile' in general or 'outputfile' in general):
raise Exception('Invalid config! "logfile" and/or "outputfile" missing!')
log_path = general['logfile']
output_path = general['outputfile']
debug = general.get('debug', 'false') in ['true', 'True']
debug_file = general.get('debugfile', str(debug)) in ['true', 'True']
title = html.get('title', 'TeamspeakStats')
# setup logging
log = logging.getLogger()
# create handler
if debug and debug_file:
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('debug.txt', 'w', 'UTF-8')
# stream handler
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
re_dis_connect = re.compile(r"'(.*)'\(id:(\d*)\)")
re_disconnect_invoker = re.compile(r"invokername=(.*)\ invokeruid=(.*)\ reasonmsg")
# find all log-files and collect lines
log_files = [file_name for file_name in glob.glob(log_path) if exists(file_name)]
log_lines = []
for log_file in log_files:
for line in open(log_file, 'r'):
abspath = sep.join(__file__.split(sep)[:-1]) + sep
def get_client(clid):
if clid in id_map:
clid = id_map[clid]
client = clients[clid]
client.nick = nick
return client
def parse_logs(logpath, file_log=False):
# setup logging
log = logging.getLogger()
if file_log:
# file logger
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('debug.txt', 'w', 'UTF-8')
# stream logger (unused)
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
# process lines
for line in log_lines:
parts = line.split('|')
logdatetime = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(parts[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').timestamp())
data = '|'.join(parts[4:]).strip()
if data.startswith('client'):
nick, clid = re_dis_connect.findall(data)[0]
if data.startswith('client connected'):
client = get_client(clid)
elif data.startswith('client disconnected'):
client = get_client(clid)
if 'invokeruid' in data:
re_disconnect_data = re_disconnect_invoker.findall(data)
invokernick, invokeruid = re_disconnect_data[0]
invoker = clients[invokeruid]
invoker.nick = invokernick
if 'bantime' in data:
# find all log-files and collect lines
log_files = [file_name for file_name in glob.glob(log_path) if exists(file_name)]
log_lines = []
for log_file in log_files:
for line in open(log_file, 'r'):
# render template
template = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(abspath)).get_template('template.html')
def get_client(clid, nick):
if clid in id_map:
clid = id_map[clid]
client = clients[clid]
client.nick = nick
return client
# sort all values desc
cl_by_id = clients.clients_by_id
cl_by_uid = clients.clients_by_uid
# process lines
for line in log_lines:
parts = line.split('|')
logdatetime = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(parts[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f').timestamp())
data = '|'.join(parts[4:]).strip()
if data.startswith('client'):
nick, clid = re_dis_connect.findall(data)[0]
if data.startswith('client connected'):
client = get_client(clid, nick)
elif data.startswith('client disconnected'):
client = get_client(clid, nick)
if 'invokeruid' in data:
re_disconnect_data = re_disconnect_invoker.findall(data)
invokernick, invokeruid = re_disconnect_data[0]
invoker = clients[invokeruid]
invoker.nick = invokernick
if 'bantime' in data:
def get_sorted(key, uid):
clients = cl_by_uid.values() if uid else cl_by_id.values()
return sorted([(client, client[key]) for client in clients if client[key] > 0], key=lambda data: data[1], reverse=True)
def render_template(output, template_name='template.html', title='TeamspeakStats', debug=False):
# render template
template = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(abspath)).get_template('template.html')
cl_by_id = clients.clients_by_id
cl_by_uid = clients.clients_by_uid
clients_onlinetime_ = get_sorted('onlinetime', False)
clients_onlinetime = []
for client, onlinetime in clients_onlinetime_:
minutes, seconds = divmod(client.onlinetime, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
hours = str(hours) + 'h ' if hours > 0 else ''
minutes = str(minutes) + 'm ' if minutes > 0 else ''
seconds = str(seconds) + 's' if seconds > 0 else ''
clients_onlinetime.append((client, hours + minutes + seconds))
def get_sorted(key, uid):
clients = cl_by_uid.values() if uid else cl_by_id.values()
return sorted([(client, client[key]) for client in clients if client[key] > 0], key=lambda data: data[1], reverse=True)
clients_onlinetime_ = get_sorted('onlinetime', False)
clients_onlinetime = []
for client, onlinetime in clients_onlinetime_:
minutes, seconds = divmod(client.onlinetime, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
hours = str(hours) + 'h ' if hours > 0 else ''
minutes = str(minutes) + 'm ' if minutes > 0 else ''
seconds = str(seconds) + 's' if seconds > 0 else ''
clients_onlinetime.append((client, hours + minutes + seconds))
clients_kicks = get_sorted('kicks', True)
clients_pkicks = get_sorted('pkicks', False)
clients_bans = get_sorted('bans', True)
clients_pbans = get_sorted('pbans', False)
objs = [('Onlinetime', clients_onlinetime), ('Kicks', clients_kicks),
('passive Kicks', clients_pkicks),
('Bans', clients_bans), ('passive Bans', clients_pbans)] # (headline, list)
with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
f.write(template.render(title=title, objs=objs, debug=debug))
clients_kicks = get_sorted('kicks', True)
clients_pkicks = get_sorted('pkicks', False)
clients_bans = get_sorted('bans', True)
clients_pbans = get_sorted('pbans', False)
objs = [('Onlinetime', clients_onlinetime), ('Kicks', clients_kicks),
('passive Kicks', clients_pkicks),
('Bans', clients_bans), ('passive Bans', clients_pbans)] # (headline, list)
def main():
# check cmdline-args
config_path = argv[1] if len(argv) >= 2 else 'config.ini'
config_path = abspath + config_path
id_map_path = argv[2] if len(argv) >= 3 else 'id_map.json'
id_map_path = abspath + id_map_path
with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
f.write(template.render(title=title, objs=objs, debug=debug))
if not exists(config_path):
raise Exception('Couldn\'t find config-file at {}'.format(config_path))
if exists(id_map_path):
# read id_map
id_map = json.load(open(id_map_path))
id_map = {}
# parse config
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# check keys
if 'General' not in config:
raise Exception('Invalid config! Section "General" missing!')
general = config['General']
html = config['HTML'] if 'HTML' in config.sections() else {}
if not ('logfile' in general or 'outputfile' in general):
raise Exception('Invalid config! "logfile" and/or "outputfile" missing!')
log_path = general['logfile']
output_path = general['outputfile']
debug = general.get('debug', 'false') in ['true', 'True']
debug_file = general.get('debugfile', str(debug)) in ['true', 'True']
title = html.get('title', 'TeamspeakStats')
render_template(output=output_path, title=title, debug=debug)
if __name__ == '__main__':