
This commit is contained in:
Clarth 2024-01-27 13:06:13 -05:00
commit c1c2172f63

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Specify your Discord webhook URL
# Get the current date in the desired format (e.g., "Sat, Feb 3")
current_date=$(date "+%a, %b %-d")
echo $current_date
# Specify the URL of the webpage
# Download the webpage content using curl
webpage_content=$(curl -s "$webpage_url")
# Specify a pattern for a date and time in the format "Sat, Feb 24 / 10:00 PM EST"
date_time_pattern="[A-Za-z]+, [A-Za-z]+ [0-9]+ / [0-9]+:[0-9]+ [APMapm]+ [A-Za-z]+"
# Search for the date and time pattern using grep
found_date_time=$(echo "$webpage_content" | grep -m 1 -o -E "$date_time_pattern")
echo $found_date_time
# Extract the date from the found date and time
event_date=$(echo "$found_date_time" | awk -F' / ' '{print $1}')
echo $event_date
# Extract the time from the found date and time
event_time=$(echo "$found_date_time" | awk -F' / ' '{print $2}')
echo $event_time
# Check if the found date matches the current date
if [ "$event_date" == "$current_date" ]; then
echo "Sending Discord message for today's date and time."
# Set the bot's username and avatar URL
bot_username="UFC BOT"
# Construct the Discord message with username and avatar
discord_message='{"content":"There is a UFC fight today!\n'"$event_date"' at '"$event_time"'","username":"'"$bot_username"'","avatar_url":"'"$bot_avatar_url"'"}'
# Send the message to Discord using curl and the webhook URL
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d "$discord_message" "$discord_webhook_url"
echo "No match for today's date on the webpage."